Sunday, April 21, 2013

What This World Needs

What this world needs is NOT more morals, more laws, or more 'good people'. These things cannot save or change our world into a place where nothing bad happens.
     Most atheists have morals. Every religion in the world has some set of morals of how to treat people and conduct themselves. Most religions have a rule about  'do unto others'. So why is it people still kill other people? Why is it people steal? Both of these things are frowned upon in most societies. Every person has their own set of morals, and some have more than others, and it is practically impossible to change another person's set of morals without the help of the Holy Spirit.
     Most countries have laws (unless the country is an anarchy, which is not good, because then you have rely on the hope that everyone around has the same morals as you). Some countries have more laws than others. Usually the more laws you have, the more socialistic a country becomes because the people in control get power hungry, so more laws usually aren't the answer in a well-functioning society. And then you have the fact that people with weak morals don't obey laws anyway, and 'good people' don't need rules.
     I have known a lot of people of different religions, and even atheists, that I would consider 'good people'. Unfortunately, unless these people accept Christ and repent of their sins, they are going to Hell. The most unfortunate thing of it all, is when someone is a 'good person', it's hard for them to see a need for Jesus Christ and His saving grace. They think that they are good enough to receive whatever reward may await them in the afterlife.
     So what can we do? Are we doomed to live in a world where innocent people are killed for no reason? In a way, yes. When Adam and Eve sinned, they messed up everything for all of us. Until satan is kicked off the planet, bad things are going to happen. Does that mean that we just give up, sit down, and take it? NO!!!! If you're sick of seeing bombings and shootings and murders on the news, START SPREADING THE GOSPEL AND PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY AND OUR WORLD.
You can tell me that the church needs to butt out of the government until you turn blue, but according to scripture, only GOD Himself can change people's hearts. Only GOD Himself can change the direction of a country. Only GOD Himself can change a failing economy. Don't believe me? Go read the Old Testament!! It's right there! Israel was on the verge of collapse several times, and actually ceased to be a sovereign nation a few times too. How many other countries in history have been able to come back and last for thousands of years after stuff like that? NONE!! So if you're going to profess to be a christian, and if you're going to post Bible verses on your Facebook page, back it up with some proof that you're not a fake! Actually hit the streets, and start spreading the Gospel of Christ to people!

'What this world needs' is the title of a Casting Crowns song. It's a great song, and I recommend listening to it.