Even if you have no idea where you're going to college, if you're going to college, or if you have no idea what you want to be when you grow up, I promise, you will be OK. Keep your eyes on the ultimate goal of Christ's Kingdom, not on the little everyday stresses. [Philippians 3:7-11]
Your identity is found only in Christ
It is not found in what college you go to, what your SAT score is, the grades you make, or the major you choose. When you put your self-worth in those things, you will always be disappointed. If you are a Christian, be confident in the fact that you are forgiven! Your identity is that you were a rebellious sinner, and you are now a child of the Most-High God. [2 Corinthians 5:17] [Ephesians 1:13-14]
However, if you have not given your trust and obedience to Jesus Christ, your identity is that you are a sinner and a rebel going to Hell [Romans 3:23], nevertheless, should you choose to surrender to God and repent of your rebelliousness, God can and will forgive you. [Romans 10:9-10]
'Normal' is a lie
Don't beat yourself up if you aren't similar to everyone else. God gives each of us different desires and priorities. Don't let ANYONE make you feel guilty if you are doing something God is guiding you to do. If you are waiting for college because you feel that debt is un-biblical, or maybe even a personal sin for you, do what you think is the most pleasing to God. Again I say, DON'T LET ANYONE GUILT YOU into doing something that you believe is wrong for you. Be polite, and listen to their well-meaning advice, but calmly explain why you are choosing the route you are going [Romans 12:4-5].
Strive to please God alone in your path and your actions. [James 4:13-15] [2 Corinthians 5:6-10]
Draw unto Him
As you embark down this crazy road called adulthood, You will most definitely need a roadmap. Care to take a guess as to what that is? That's right, the Bible. The Written Word. The Bible is the True Word Of God, and if you ever have questions about a decision, compare what you think God is telling you to His Word, and make sure it aligns to Biblical standards and won't lead you astray.
I highly recommend reading the Bible every day. Even if you can only get a few verses in, it makes a huge difference in your attitude and outlook. If you don't have time for God, you most definitely don't have time for anything else in your life.
If you go out of your way to learn more about who God is, you will find that you feel closer to Him regardless of any situation you are in. How do you get to know someone? You listen to them, you talk to them, and you spend time with them. With God, He speaks to us through the Bible. [2 Timothy 3:15-17] [James 4:7-8] [2 Peter 3:17-18]
Fact; Friends fall away
Unfortunately, the older and busier you get, the more friends will disappear. It is a sad fact, but it ends up proving who your true friends really are. You will make new friends, and some of them will disappear too. Sometimes though, you need to be the one to pull away. The years after graduation is when previously religious kids show their true colors. If you don't surround yourself with fellow disciples of Christ, your relationship with backsliders can put a hindrance on your relationship with God. I'm NOT saying to burn bridges and cut ties with backsliding friends, but I am saying not to spend every free moment with them, or go out of your way to be super close. Your closest friends need to be able you encourage you in Christ. [1 Corinthians 5:9-13]
Move and He will guide you
The first step is the hardest, but once you take it, the next one will be easier. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on whether you are walking the direction of pleasing God, or if you are walking away from God. If your focus is on pleasing Him and bringing Him glory with your words and actions, and you feel like He is guiding you to do something, pray about it and compare your feelings to His Word, maybe consult a Christian mentor, and take the first step. The first step is the most important. It may not always go perfectly, and you may get discouraged, but if you are sure that you are on the right path, get up and take the next step. [Hebrews 11:6-10]
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I would like to note;
I do not claim to be perfect. I am a hypocrite, because I cannot even manage to follow my own rules most of the time. But that's why Jesus came to die for us right? Because no one can live up to the law, let alone their own rules.